Your Complete Guide to Creating an Ecommerce Website - Elementary

Your Complete Guide to Creating an Ecommerce Website

Where keyboard clicks are the new currency and customer attention is as fleeting as a Snapchat message, having an e-commerce website is no longer just a neat addition to your business—it’s a necessity. A virtual shop window that never closes, an e-commerce website can serve eager customers around the globe at any hour. It’s like a 24/7 market stall that doesn’t require you to haggle or hire a watchman.

The words ‘create ecommerce website’ might feel like a chant uttered by the internet wizards who speak in tongues of HTML and CSS. But fear not, fellow internet explorers, for the path to creating your online haven isn’t as cryptic as you might think. Whether you’re pondering on ‘creating an ecommerce website’, or curious about the ‘best platform for e-commerce website’, or simply yearn to ‘create online store website’, we’ve got you covered.

In a digital world that barely sleeps and a consumer whose desires are as varied as a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, we delve into the nitty-gritty of web ecommerce, the realm of e-commerce web site creation, and the thrilling task of ecommerce website development. So strap in, keep your mouse and keyboards at the ready, because we are about to embark on a digital expedition to unveil the intricacies of developing your very own e-commerce empire.

2023 the Year E-Commerce Web Became a Profit-Spinning Marvel

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Increase in Online Stores

2023 may just be halfway done, but we’ve already seen it cast a long and formidable shadow over the prior years in terms of e-commerce growth. Like a web-slinging superhero navigating the digital metropolis, e-commerce has swung from strength to strength, defying gravity and the economic woes of yesteryears.

New research shows that online sales are on track to surpass 2022’s whopping $4.9 trillion worldwide total, illustrating how e-commerce is rapidly becoming the ‘Spiderman’ of the retail sector. It’s not just the big boys and girls of the retail industry enjoying this web of online profits. SMEs have tapped into the vein of e-commerce gold too, with an estimated 80% increase in new online store creations.

But it isn’t just the tantalizing revenue statistics that have everyone buzzing. No, the rise of e-commerce is as much about the explosion of online consumers as it is about financial numbers. According to a 2023 report, approximately 3.8 billion people are expected to make an online purchase this year, a digital stampede equivalent to nearly half the Earth’s population. Now, that’s what we call a ‘global’ marketplace.

What’s driving this e-commerce boom? Well, it’s like being at a magic show. You’ve got improved online security pulling peace of mind out of a hat, innovative mobile technologies performing dazzling tricks, and fast, reliable delivery services pulling a rabbit out of the, well, package. These ‘magic tricks’ have gone a long way in luring consumers to the digital marketplace, turning online shopping from a once novel concept into an everyday reality.

As the virtual tills keep ringing in 2023, there’s no doubt that e-commerce is not only an essential part of the global economy but the web on which the retail spider thrives. But enough with the arachnid analogies. With numbers like these, the rise of e-commerce is something we can all get tangled up in – whether you’re a start-up web designer, an online retail giant, or just a consumer looking to snag the best deals from the comfort of your couch.

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Creating an E-commerce Website. The What and Why

Building an e-commerce website is akin to constructing your own little Death Star. Only instead of blowing up planets, you’re looking to disrupt markets and maybe even give Jeff Bezos a run for his money.

E-commerce or electronic commerce, is not a buzzing new term anymore; it’s the roaring language of the digital era. It’s about setting up shop on the internet highway and selling products or services to consumers who can be just a few blocks away or at the other end of the world. One moment you’re sipping coffee at your desk, the next, you’re making a sale in Timbuktu. It’s the ‘Beam me up, Scotty’ of business, providing a teleportation mechanism for your products right into your customer’s hands.

But why should you create an e-commerce website? Well, that’s akin to asking why Luke Skywalker should bother mastering the Force. First, the numbers: Global e-commerce sales are projected to reach $6.54 trillion by 2023, according to Statista. And these numbers are just the tip of the digital iceberg.

Creating an e-commerce website offers you a ticket on the express train to global markets. It allows you to operate beyond the constraints of time and geography, making you the master of a universe that never sleeps. Your online shop becomes your 24/7 salesperson, working tirelessly to display your products to potential customers, handle transactions and update inventory.

Then there’s the convenience factor for customers. They can shop from the comfort of their homes, offices, or even from a beach in Bali. No need to worry about parking, queues, or store closing times. The whole world becomes your local high street.

Choosing the Best Platform for E-commerce Website

Striding into the world of e-commerce is akin to entering a party where every attendee is vying for attention. The challenge is to carve a niche for yourself, so people sit up and take notice. The most critical part of this journey? Selecting the right e-commerce platform, of course.

Consider this scenario. Your e-commerce website is your showroom, your sales team, and your customer service representative, all rolled into one. And the platform you choose is the architect that designs, builds, and maintains it all. No pressure, right?

The “best” platform isn’t a universal concept. What’s best for the tech-empowered hotshot start-up might be overkill for the humble hand-knitted beanie business run from the basement. Hence, your choice of the best platform for an e-commerce website hinges on your specific requirements, ambitions, and of course, budget.

Are you planning to create a website to sell products on a mammoth scale? Then an expansive, feature-packed platform like Magento might be your knight in shining armor. Shopify, with its user-friendly interface and plentiful themes, could be the golden ticket for a business dipping its toes in the e-commerce pool for the first time. Or perhaps the SEO benefits of WooCommerce are whispering sweet nothings in your ear, promising to catapult your artisanal vegan cheese business to the top of Google search rankings.

Selecting the best platform for an e-commerce website isn’t as simple as throwing a dart on the board. It involves a careful analysis of your business needs, your technological capability, and of course, your financial prowess. But once you’ve hit that sweet spot, the stage is set for your e-commerce venture to go from being ‘just another website’ to becoming the next big thing in the digital retail space. After all, in the sprawling bazaar of the internet, the foundation you lay down for your digital store can spell the difference between thriving and barely surviving.

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The Art of E-commerce Website Design

E-commerce websites are much like digital billboards. They are the flashy, techno-savvy cousins of the roadside attention-grabbers. And just like the billboards, they too must be designed to hook, entice, and convert. That’s where the art of e-commerce website design saunters in, all dressed up in pixels and code, ready to impress the Internet user with an impeccable user experience.

E-commerce website design, dear reader, is more than just cobbling together a few product images and slapping on a ‘Buy Now’ button. It is about creating a virtual realm where products are not just sold but celebrated, where buyers embark on an effortless journey towards that sweet, satisfying ‘order confirmed’ message.

The best ecommerce website designs are a seamless blend of aesthetics, functionality, and innovative technology, sort of like a well-made martini at your favorite digital pub. Easy navigation should be the North Star guiding the design process. If a customer is lost in the labyrinth of drop-down menus and oddly placed product categories, your digital ship is likely to hit the iceberg of high bounce rates.

Then there’s the ‘must-have’ ingredient in your design mix – mobile optimization. With an increasing number of customers wielding smartphones like shopping wands, a mobile-responsive design isn’t a luxury anymore – it’s the entry ticket to the e-commerce show.

How can we forget our silent salesmen – product images and descriptions? High-quality, multiple-angle photos give customers a near-physical store experience. Toss in some crisp and informative product descriptions, and you’ve got a product page that converts faster than you can say “add to cart”.

And, just when you thought the design was all about the front-end, we pull back the curtain to reveal the real wizard – the back-end design. It’s the stalwart, the unsung hero ensuring your website runs smoothly, loading pages swiftly before your customer’s patience meter hits zero.

In the colorful carnival of online shopping, e-commerce web design is the ringmaster. It juggles multiple elements – ease of use, visual appeal, speed, and efficiency – to deliver a performance that has customers applauding with their wallets. Now that’s an art worth mastering, isn’t it?

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Developing an E-commerce Website. Steps to Success

Creating an e-commerce website is akin to mastering the art of baking. A dash of user interface, a sprinkle of web design, a handful of SEO, and voila! You’ve got yourself a fully functional online shop. It’s a little more complex than your grandma’s apple pie recipe, but the satisfaction of seeing your eCommerce store come alive is second to none.

This is the equivalent of preheating the oven for your e-commerce pie. Selecting the best platform for your ecommerce website is essential. Whether it's the simplicity of Shopify, the customisability of WordPress, or the powerful capabilities of Strapi, your choice depends on your business needs and the size of your dreams.


A user interface is the foundation of customer interaction. Think of it as the buttery crust of your e-commerce pie. It should be visually pleasing, easy to navigate, and intuitive enough that even your technologically challenged uncle can make a purchase without calling you for help.


An ecommerce store without products is like a pie without filling – disappointingly empty. When adding products, high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and clear pricing are your best friends. They're the apples, sugar, and spices of your e-commerce pie.

How you collect money and get your products to your customers is vital. It's like determining how to serve your pie - hot, cold, à la mode? Stripe? PayPal? Free shipping? The right blend of payment and shipping options can significantly enhance the user experience.

Your e-commerce website should be as easy to find as a bakery on a Sunday morning. SEO is your map marker. It’s not just about peppering keywords like 'create ecommerce website' or 'design e commerce website' into your content, but also about mobile optimization, page load speed, and user experience.

Before you let your customers enjoy your delicious e-commerce pie, make sure everything works seamlessly. Review every page, every link, and every process, because nobody likes a website that crashes more often than a pie crust.

The Power of the Online Store Builder

Welcome to the LEGO store of website creation – the online store builder. Here, it’s not just about stacking blocks; it’s about crafting a digital fortress teeming with potential customers. Imagine equipping yourself with an exquisite toolbox, one that’s chock-full with easy-to-use yet incredibly powerful tools, each one ready to turn your ‘create online store’ dreams into clickable reality. That’s your typical online store builder for you.

Store builders are the proverbial wands of the internet realm, allowing you to conjure up ecommerce websites at the flick of a button (and a bit of drag and drop). They’re user-friendly, they’re intuitive, and they’re the superhero sidekicks in your ecommerce adventure.

But don’t let their user-friendly nature fool you. These are not toy blocks for naive entrants in the market playground. No, no! They’re cleverly designed, ingenious platforms, combining ecommerce web design and backend logistics into one seamless package. From managing your inventory to tracking your shipments, these store builders are digital multitaskers that even the most accomplished juggler would envy.

Remember the frustration when your ‘new’ phone needed a software degree to operate? Online store builders make sure that feeling is as outdated as a dial-up connection. They are designed for everyone – from the ‘tech-savvy’ millennial entrepreneur to the talented artist wanting to sell her art online but flummoxed by the web jargon.

With an online store builder, creating an ecommerce website is no longer like learning a new language. It’s more like a friendly conversation, one where you say, ‘I need to create an online shop,’ and the builder replies, ‘Sure thing, let’s get started.’

Just like an orchestra conductor ensures every instrument plays in harmony, an ecommerce store builder brings all the elements of a successful e-commerce platform together, hitting the perfect symphony for your digital venture. So, whether it’s your first foray into the ecommerce world or you’re an old hand at the game, the online store builder ensures your digital ship sails smoothly in the bustling ecommerce sea.

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Designing E-commerce. The Aesthetic Edge

Like an espresso shot without the foam, an e-commerce website without a stellar aesthetic edge might leave a bitter aftertaste in the customer’s mouth. Oh, you may argue that functionality and UX take the limelight in the e-commerce theater, but let’s not forget, it’s the visual appeal, the design, that first invites the audience to the show.

E-commerce websites aren’t mere digital marketplaces; they’re your brand’s digital catwalk, where your products strut their stuff in high-res glory. With an exemplary ecommerce web design, you aren’t just creating an online shop, but you’re crafting a digital journey that seduces the customer into clicking that ‘add to cart’ button.

Our senses of sight and touch dominate in physical stores; online, it’s all about sight. And you know what they say about first impressions! In this pixelated playground, a premium ecommerce website design could be the difference between ‘browser’ and ‘buyer’. It’s like the glossy icing on a cake, guiding customers to taste the goodness beneath.

But let’s not get stuck in the lipstick-and-mascara version of design. Good design on an ecommerce site isn’t merely about looking pretty. It seamlessly combines aesthetics and functionality, ensuring that the ‘Buy Now’ button isn’t just shiny, but oh-so-easy to click.

Therefore, don’t merely create an ecommerce website. Be a digital da Vinci, combining art and science to design an e-commerce website that’s visually engaging and functionally intuitive. Because let’s face it, in the world of online shopping, beauty isn’t just skin-deep. It’s pixel-deep.

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Elementary Makes it a Walk in the Park

At this point, you’re probably realising that developing an e-commerce website isn’t a casual Sunday stroll in the park. It’s more like taming a lion, feeding it, and teaching it to perform a ballet (a sight we’d all love to see). It’s not impossible, but certainly requires a fine blend of expertise, experience, and a sprinkle of digital wizardry.

Now you could certainly try to be the lion tamer, take the leap of faith and dive into the deep waters of web ecommerce on your own. You might come out unscathed, or find yourself being a glorified chew toy for the e-commerce beast. On the other hand, you could play it smart. You could partner with someone who knows the ropes, the quirks, and the whims of the e-commerce world. That’s where we, at Elementary, shine.

Elementary is not just another digital agency in the vast cosmos of the web. Think of us as your digital sherpa, guiding you on this Everest of e-commerce, ensuring you conquer the summit without having to worry about the frostbite of technical glitches or the snowstorms of poor design. We offer a comprehensive suite of e-commerce solutions, from ecommerce website development to a design e-commerce website that reflects your brand’s unique identity.

You bring the vision, and we bring it to life – we make the perfect duo. So, if you’re ready to create your own online store and make waves in the e-commerce sea, let’s chat. No lions, no ballet, just a smooth journey towards your e-commerce success. After all, why just dip your toes when you can make a splash? Get in touch with us today. It’s time to turn your e-commerce dream into reality.

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